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aiDPSMeter - MyAion widget

MyAion widget is available for characters level 75 and higher.

Tab Profile

Current character name, level, class, server, gear and equipment sets. Character profile is managed by menu menu. Use ingame "Profile - Equipment Sets" to change available equipment sets on MyAion.
Equipment sets visibility can be changed under menu menu:


Tab Search

Characters search by server, name, class and level. Use right click on characters list to open context menu: "Add to PvE search", "Add to Battleground search" and "View Profile".


Tab View

View others character profiles: name, level, class, server, equipment sets and instances statistics.
View history menu is available under character name.
Use links to search runs for viewed character.


Tab Battleground

Battleground search by date, instance and players. Use context menu "Add to Battleground search" on Search tab to add player for search.
Use double-click to remove player from search filter.


Tab PvE

PvE runs search by date, instance and players.
Time, Total damage, total heal, DPS and HPS are stored for each character.
Use context menu "Add to PvE search" on Search tab to add player for search.
Use double-click to remove player from search filter.


Tab Options

MyAion options and logs.